A-boards are a great, cost-effective outdoor signage solution for organisations of all types.
An A-board placed near the entrance to your premises will show people that you’re open for business. They can be particularly valuable if your business is not easily visible from the street, for example a restaurant located inside a shopping centre. You can also use them to advertise specific promotions.
A-frames are a great promotional medium for cafés, shops, hairdressers and other service providers. We can either permanently print your branding and messages onto the sign or set it up so you can insert different promotional messages.
Easily manoeuvred, an A-frame can simply be brought inside for security when you close for the day. Most of the A-frames we create are made from lightweight PVC board. However we can also make more substantial signs and add wheels for easy handling.
A-boards don’t necessarily need to be composed of two rectangular boards. We can make these versatile advertising signs in any shape, size or colour of your choice.