Helping Ride get up and running

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Helping Ride get up and running

We’ve recently created all the signage for a new fitness business in Cobham. Ride is an indoor cycling studio, one of the new generation of high street gyms specialising in spinning classes – a concept that’s already very popular in the USA. Owner Lisa Greer set us the task of coming up with a set of signage incorporating the Ride logo that would enhanced the image and tone of the new premises.

We created:

  • a reception sign with built-up lettering and halo effect illumination
  • entrance signage and parking signs
  • vinyl directional signage and graphics for the studio walls
  • and a banner announcing the new business.


Ride1 Ride2 Ride3 Ride4


“The team at Sign Media took the initial design concept and produced stunning signage that really enhances the look and feel of the studio,” says Lisa. “What they’ve created is over and above my expectations and I was impressed by the quick turnaround time, especially considering I placed my order during their Christmas rush.”

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